CheMondis Presents The 2nd Paints & Coatings Digital Summit on March 11th.

2nd CheMondis Paints & Coatings Digital Summit

After last year’s great success with over 160 attendees from more than 25 countries, we are pleased to present to you the second edition of our CheMondis Paints & Coatings Digital Summit on March 11th.

Register to the Event and Enjoy a Day Full of Learnings and Networking.

Our 2nd CheMondis Paints & Coatings Summit (re-)connects big and small industry players from the industry in Europe.

You can listen to inspiring talks from industry leaders about digital success stories and projects in the Paints & Coatings industry. Additionally, you can find out more about the latest trends regarding digital tools, culture and new work by talks from well-known tech companies.

Besides the presentations and interactive workshops all participants you have the chance to digitally meet up – with one or more registered participants, potential and existing business partners. This is your opportunity to expand your network and discuss business.

What Could your Successful Summit Day Look like?

After your registration on our event page ( you are asked to set up your personal attendee profile. This will enable other attendees to find and digitally meet you.

Afterwards, you can create your personal schedule for the day. Look at the “Program” tab and select the sessions you would like to attend.

To schedule meetings with another attendee please find “Attendees”. You will see ­­your meeting requests under “My Meetings” in the left-hand navigation bar or you can send out requests yourself. And your personal program for the day is done!

There are two sessions which we highly recommend all attendees to join: the Opening Keynote by Sebastian Brenner (Managing Director at CheMondis) and Cornelia Birnbrich (Commercial Director at CheMondis) at the very beginning of the day, and the round-table discussion at the end of the day. Within our morning session you will get all important information to make the day a success.

It’s All about Digitization!

This year’s summit will focus on everything related to Digitization in the Paints & Coatings industry. During the event three streams with exciting talks, Q&A sessions and workshops will run in parallel:

  • Get inspired about the potential of digital tools, culture & new work by speakers from companies like Microsoft, Google, Elemica, Salesforce and many more
  • Gain insights into digital success stories and projects of industry leaders like Evonik, Clariant and many others
  • Learn more about CheMondis’ best practices and how to use our marketplace for your own success

Get Started Now and Be where the Industry Meets!

1. Register on the event page:

2. The ticket price is set at 70 euros for the full day per attendee. As a registered CheMondis user from the Paints & Coatings industry, you have a free ticket option valid until February 26th. Please reach out to get your voucher: [Button |]

3. Your registration will be reviewed since the event is exclusive for the Paints & Coatings industry. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your registration has been approved.

4. Then you will get access to your personal planning tool. You can complete your attendee profile and create your individual program for the day.

Thanks for taking the time to read the CheMondis blog.

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