We are happy to announce that registered suppliers of every size can now create their own Brand Shop on CheMondis. This is a big step forward digitalizing the chemical industry.
Buyers can find each Brand Shop within the product description page or by a unique link the supplier promotes.
Advertise your entire portfolio online
CheMondis Brand Shops help you to sell your products online without the effort of developing or maintaining an own online shop. Your Brand Shop on CheMondis will profit from the wide range of already registered companies and will therefore ensure a high relevance from the very beginning. CheMondis is also helping with online advertising efforts to acquire buyers for the listed products.
As a supplier, you will receive a unique link (URL) for your own Brand Shop, through which your shop on CheMondis can be accessed directly. Either by you or by dedicated buyers of yours which you want to redirect to your brand-new shop. You can, for example, add the link to your e-mail signature or can promote it on your website. Existing and new customers will immediately be forwarded to your Brand Shop, like to a usual online shop.

It is very easy to create your own Brand shop on CheMondis
To create your own Brand Shop you need to be a registered and verified supplier on CheMondis. Please find following link to register for free if you want to join our marketplace as a supplier.
The creation of a Brand Shop is very simple and contains only 3 steps:
- Add your company logo to your company profile within the account settings.
- Prepare a banner image for the top of the page in the dimension of 1440 pixels x 200 pixels.
- Prepare a description text of your company (Not more then 50-70 Signs).
Then, please contact your personal Business Development Manager who will create the Brand Shop for you or reach out to us via phone, email, or our chat. We are very happy to assist creating and adjusting your Brand Shop.
We will activate the Brand Shop-feature for your account. With a couple of clicks, you can enter and upload the prepared information and you are good to go. After the activation of your Brand Shop, you can add and adjust your description and images yourself – of course, we are also very happy to assist here.
The Brand Shop will show all active products that you have uploaded on CheMondis. Your products will appear in alphabetical order. Customers can apply different filters to find the product they are looking for faster.
Brand shops on CheMondis can easily be found and promoted
The search functionality on CheMondis is specifically designed to find the right products. So how do potential customers find your Brand Shop? There are two options.
- On every product detail page of one of your products, customers or interested buyers will find a button “Visit Brand Shop” and will be forwarded to your Brand Shop.
- Your Brand Shop will have a unique Link (URL), that you can share on your website or by any other channel with your customers.
Check out our already existing Brand Shops and start with your own. Register on CheMondis for free and get in touch with us to set it up.
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